TRIAXIAL TEST ( TT-600) , ASTM D-2850, hubungi : 081395162454 / 085314977171[24 Oct. 2011, 3:49:56]
triaxial test set, type TT-600, ASTM D-2850, for the triaxial test provides test load up to 300 kgf at any speed from 0.00 to 3.00 per minute.this feature provides the capacity for use in application such as constant rate of load and constant rate of stress, digital reading for pore pressure, TT-600.1 triaxial compression machine hand operated and motorized( electric) , proving ring, control panel, air regulator and pressure gauge( manometer) , sample tube, rubber membrane, hubungi : Ir.eddy heryanto/ 081395162454/ 02270304572 / 085314977171